Mainstream Dry Hydrants Incorporated |
Your Best Source For Dry Fire Hydrant Products, Information and all Fire-fighting Products. |
More dry hydrant installation photo's |
Some dry hydrant installations require a mighty long reach. Excavators must be clean and work within a silt screen curtain to stop mud and debris from the excavation from contaminating fish habitat. |
Marina's are great locations for dry hydrants. There is usually plenty of room for fire department vehicles. The water is deep near shore, and the property owner is happy to receive a fire insurance discount with a dry hydrant installation. |
Here is a 6" female threaded dry hydrant with an inline swivel attached. The swivel allows the head to turn 360 degrees and facilitates an easier connection of the hard suction hose. They are usually easily retrofitted to existing dry hydrants. |
Adapters |
*Credit must be given to www.dryhydrants.com if any of these copyrighted photo's are to be used in any form of publication.* |
Last updated: March 13, 2022 |